The first hybrid room in Italy dedicated to the endoscopic treatment of gastroenterological pathologies at the Gemelli Polyclinic

19 noviembre 2021

Another great accomplishment for Operamed, confirming itself more and more as a leading company at national and international level. The first hybrid room in Italy dedicated to the endoscopic treatment of gastroenterological pathologies was inaugurated at the Digestive Disease Center (CEMAD) of the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic. After 5 months of hard work, Operamed staff completed a room equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging devices. The hybrid room set up in the Roman polyclinic is one of the very few in the world dedicated to gastroenterological pathologies and it hosts two very advanced imaging technologies: a 128-layer CT scan, able to move on a dedicated track to reach the operating table where the patient lies, and a rotational angiography machine with a robotic arm that can produce a dynamic radiographic projection from every possible angle during the surgery. The two systems work together seamlessly, thanks to a software equipped with very advanced segmentation algorithms that are able to develop a 3D reconstruction of the organs in real time. The hybrid room is also equipped with an echo- endoscope, which allows a direct visualization of the spot where the instrument is located “from the inside” and therefore is able to add further imaging details. There are also 3 wall-mounted workstations for managing medical records, radiological images and processing activities, an 85- inch screen, and an integrated image and signal management system, which allows image transmission and videoconferencing in real time.