Casa di Cura Villa Betania in Rome
4 new operating rooms, induction and preparation area
Type of construction: Operating rooms
State of work: Completed
Date of completion: November 2016
Construction of the new Surgical Unit of the Casa di Cura Villa Betania in Rome consisting of 4 operating rooms, induction and preparation area.
The rooms are built with high quality materials, Corian and tempered glass, for maximum durability. The realization is complete with full equipments (laminar flow diffusors and Trumpf lights) and stainless steel furniture (cabinets, passboxes and washbasins).
Three sides of the rooms have the same finishing, white Corian 12 mm thick monolithic, with colored inserts in correspondence of the technical panels.
The side opposite the entrance is made of tempered glass with pictures chosen by the Hospital. The outer rooms are made of galvanized steel.
The preparation area is provided of a suspeded beam for 4 beds. The entire realization is completed with modular humanized panels for ceiling and the VIDEOMED videomanagement system.