Dental Centre Dr. Oreglia in Verona

Luca Stefani

Restructuring surgical clinic Type of construction: Dental CentreState of work: CompletedDate of completion: October 2015Client: Centro Odontoiatrico Dott. OregliaRestructuring of surgical outpatient of Dental Centre Dr. Oreglia in Verona. Prefabricated technology for the realization of glass wall with digital printing, pass- through window with Venetian blind, door, lighting and ceilings air tight. Light for operating theater Trumpf Medical.

Recovery unit Magalini Hospital in Verona

Luca Stefani

4 hospitalization floors Type of construction: Recovery roomsState of work: CompletedDate of completion: Ottobre 2015Client: Ospedale Magalini di Villafranca VeroneseTurnkey construction of 4 floors in the Hospital Magalini Villafranca Veronese. Preparation of n. 113 recovery rooms using prefabricated technology.

Policlinico San Donato in Milan

Luca Stefani

IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Tipo di costruzione: Reparto di Elettrofisiologia e AritmologiaStato del progetto: CompletatoData di completamento: Settembre 2015Proprietario: IRCCS Policlinico San Donato;Nuove sale operatorie del reparto di Elettrofisiologia e Aritmologia dell’IRCCS Policlinico San Donato realizzate da Operamed. Allestimento di n. 6 sale operatorie e tutte le aree ancillari con l’utilizzo di tutta tecnologia prefabbricata: porte, illuminazione ambientale e a LED, acciai e controsoffitti …

Policlinico San Donato in Milan

Luca Stefani

New operating rooms Type of construction: Department of Electrophysiology and ArrhythmiaState of work: CompletedDate of completion: September 2015Owner: IRCCS Policlinico San Donato;New operating theaters of the Department of Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia IRCCS Policlinico San Donato made by Operamed. Realization of operating rooms and all ancillary areas with the use of all prefabricated technology: doors, lighting, steels and air tight ceilings. The project is …

Ascoli Piceno Hospital

Luca Stefani

Mazzoni Hospital- Ascoli Piceno Widening of Surgical Unit Type of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: June 2015Client: Ospedale Mazzoni – Ascoli Piceno Construction of 5 operating rooms in the widening of the Surgical Unit of the Mazzoni Hospital in Ascoli Piceno. Walls in Corian, ceiling made with galvanized air-tight steel panels, lighting, automatic doors and interlocked cabinets for connection to …

San Giovanni di Dio Hospital in Florence

Luca Stefani

San Giovanni di Dio Hospital in Florence Type of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: May 2015Owner: Azienda Sanitaria di FirenzeTurn- key construction of the new surgical unit at San Giovanni di Dio Hospital in Florence. 4 new operating rooms using all prefabricated technology, doors, illuminators, anti RX protection, ceilings and furniture with antibacterial finishes. The project is …

GynePro – Assisted reproduction center

Luca Stefani

GynePro clinic Laboratory and operating room for assisted reproduction center State of work: CompletedDate of completion: April 2015Owner: GyneProStainless steel walls for laboratories and special furniture; air tight ceiling with dimmable LED lighting. Operating room with stainless steel walls, built-in cabinets, automatic doors and special furniture for sterilization.

Policlinico San Giorgio Pordenone

Luca Stefani

Policlinico San Giorgio Pordenone Designer: OperamedType of construction: Operating room upgrade to ISO 5State of work: CompletedDate of completion: February 2015Client: Casa di Cura San GiorgioOperating room upgrade from ISO 7 to ISO 5.The project involved the reconstruction of the walls of the operating room using of all prefabricated technology complete of sealing gaskets, coving of connecting to the floor …

Samitivej’s Critical Care Complex – Bangkok, Thailandia

Luca Stefani

Samitivej’s Critical Care Complex – Bangkok, ThailandType of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: February 2015A new generation of technological advances has inspired Samitivej to significantly raise the standards of their operating rooms with the sole purpose of providing the best medical care for their local community and beyond. Samitivej’s Critical Care Complex is the result of a two-year …

Arab Health 2015

Luca Stefani

Designer: Operamed srlType of construction: ExhibitionState of work: CompletedDate of completion: January 2015Owner: Operamed srl Arab_Health_2015_Operamed_01Luca StefaniArab_Health_2015_Operamed_02Luca StefaniArab_Health_2015_Operamed_03Luca StefaniArab_Health_2015_Operamed_04Luca StefaniArab_Health_2015_Operamed_05Luca StefaniArab_Health_2015_Operamed_06Luca Stefani

Laboratories at Ca Foscari University in Venice

Luca Stefani

Realization of the new laboratories Type of construction: LaboratoryState of work: CompletedDate of completion: January 2015Owner: Università Ca Foscari di Venezia Construction of new laboratories for the National Multi-University project «Chemistry for the Environment», science and technology park in Marghera (Venice). Various interventions and the provision of equipment for chemical laboratories and studies of researchers and technical staff of the University.

Città di Rovigo Hospital

Luca Stefani

Type of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: August 2014Owner: Casa di Cura Città di RovigoTurn- key construction of the new surgical unit at Casa di Cura Città di Rovigo Hospital in Rovigo. 2 new operating rooms using prefabricated technology, including doors, illumination and ceilings. The project is completed with TRUMPF equipment and all furniture.