Alexis Hospital Nagpur India5 Operating Rooms Type of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: October 2016Client: Alexis Hospital Nagpur
Clinique l’Aeroport Marrakech – Marocco
Clinique l’Aeroport Marrakech – Marocco 2 OR’s / Complete ICU department with 8 ICU boxes and reception area Type of construction: Operating Theatres / Intensive Care UnitState of work: CompletedDate of completion: October 2016Client: Clinique L’Aeroport MarrakechA new surgical unit and intensive care unit at the Clinique l’Aeroport of Marrakech in Morocco. 2 complete operating rooms with walls in stainless steel, …
Medcare Hospital Sharjah – Dubai – Emirati Arabi
Medcare Hospital Sharjah – UAE5 complete Operating Rooms Type of construction: Operating roomsState of work: CompletedDate of completion: September 2016Owner: Medcare Hospital Sharjah – UAEMANCA LINK MODEL
San Carlo hospital di Nancy Roma
Casa di Cura San Carlo di Nancy RomaNew surgical unit and recovery Type of construction: New surgical unit and recoveryState of work: CompletedDate of completion: July 2016Owner: Casa di Cura San Carlo di Nancy RomaNew Day Surgery Department and Endoscopy of S. Carlo di Nancy Hospital in Rome. Four operating rooms with high quality materials as Corian® and tempered glass …
Poliambulanza Foundation Brescia
10 new Operating Rooms in Brescia Inaugurated the new medical center with maternity and neonatal intensive care Type of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: May 2016Client: Fondazione PoliambulanzaTurnkey construction of the new operating rooms of Istituto Ospedaliero Poliambulanza di Brescia. It consists of 12 operating rooms, 10 on the ground floor for multi specialist surgery and2 on …
Admiralty Medical Center Singapore
New Operational Block Admiralty Medical Center Singapore Three new operating rooms Type of construction: Operating RoomsState of work: CompletedDate of completion: May 2017In order to achieve the highest possible standards of Infection Control, the three new operating rooms at the purpose built Admiralty Medical Center in Singapore were constructed using the latest technology in anti-microbial finishes using TrueSpace prefabricated wall …
Centro Polispecialistico Armonia – Porto Mantovano
Centro Polispecialistico Armonia – Porto Mantovano Type of construction: Operating roomsState of work: CompletedDate of completion: April 2016Client: ARMONIA CENTRO POLISPECIALISTICOTurnkey construction of the Clinic Armonia facility in Porto Mantovano including the Surgical Endoscopy department using TrueSpace prefabrication technology. The operating theaters were built with prefabricated walls in antibacterial powder coated stainless steel enhanced with screen printed sections of steel …
Casa di Cura Toniolo Bologna
New operating rooms at Casa di Cura Toniolo in Bologna Type of construction: Operating roomsState of work: CompletedDate of completion: March 2016Turnkey construction with open space intensive care. The operating suite consists of 5 operating rooms totally constructed using prefabricated TrueSpace technology with antibacterial powder coated steel, automatic doors, vinyl flooring and fully sealed ceiling. Hermetically sealed external windows were …
Casa di Cura Giovanni XXIII Monastier
Il nuovo blocco operatorio della Casa di Cura Giovanni XXIII – Monastier Tipo di costruzione: Blocco operatorioStato del progetto: CompletatoData di completamento: Febbraio 2016Cliente: Casa di Cura Giovanni XXIIISale Operatorie, Locali preparazione e Lavaggio chirurghi realizzate con sistema di pareti prefabbricate a pannelli ispezionabili. Pareti prefabbricate composte da struttura auto-portante con isolamento in piombo sp. 2mm applicato nell’intercapedine tra struttura e pannelli. Pannelli di …
European Institute of Oncology – Milan
Operating room renovation Type of construction: Modular operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: January 2016Owner: IEOClient: IEOThe prefabricated operating room have been made with the TrueSpace modular wall system. The operating room has a Corian DuPont slab finish, with modular panels 12 mm thick. This system allows easy and quick installation and inspection as well as ensuring the maximum quality, durability and ease of cleaning. Wall panels have been provided with Glacier White blind modules, technical modules in different colors, integrated glazed modules for the display monitors in different sizes and with high-resolution digital print inserts and …
Madonna Del Soccorso Hospital – San Benedetto del Tronto
Madonna Del Soccorso Hospital – San Benedetto del Tronto Type of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: January2016Client: Ospedale Madonna Del Soccorso – San Benedetto del TrontoNo post was found with your current grid settings. You should verify if you have posts inside the current selected post type(s) and if the meta key filter is not too much restrictive.
Chioggia – Venice Hospital
Chioggia – Venice Hospital Type of construction: Operating roomState of work: CompletedDate of completion: December 2015Owner: Ospedale di ChioggiaRealizzazione chiavi in mano del nuovo blocco operatorio presso l’Ospedale di Chioggia. Allestimento di N. 4 sale operatorie con l’utilizzo di tutta tecnologia prefabbricata comprese: porte, armadi, illuminazione ambientale e controsoffitti ispezionabili a tenuta. No post was found with your current grid settings. You should verify if …