New operating rooms at Casa di Cura Toniolo in Bologna
Type of construction: Operating rooms
State of work: Completed
Date of completion: March 2016
Turnkey construction with open space intensive care. The operating suite consists of 5 operating rooms totally constructed using prefabricated TrueSpace technology with antibacterial powder coated steel, automatic doors, vinyl flooring and fully sealed ceiling. Hermetically sealed external windows were integrated to give natural light to the operating rooms.
The rooms incorporate the latest generation of video integration system, dimmable LED lights, operating table, surgical lights and pendants by Trumpf Medical.
The walls of the recovery room and corridors include integrated fully fitted closets with specific configurations for each surgical specialty.
The ICU is open-plan and it too is made of TrueSpace antibacterial coated steel prefabricated walls. The facility also includes one negative pressure isolation room and all the furnishings were custom made to meet the needs of the client.
Photo credits: Giulio Favotto / otium